Children, Families and Schools Committee                                Agenda Item 45(g)


Subject:                       Save St Bartholomew's Primary School and Bright Start Nursery

Date of meeting:        22 January 2024

Proposer:                    Councillor Goldsmith
Seconder:                   Councillor Shanks

Ward(s) affected:        West Hill and North Laine



Green Notice of Motion

This committee notes: 


1)      The proposals to close both St Bartholomew's Church of England Primary School and Bright Start Nursery 


2)      That these institutions serve families in the city centre, with higher numbers of pupils from racially minoritised backgrounds and children with SEND than the city’s average, meaning the closure of both will have a disproportionate impact on already-marginalised families 


3)      The vocal opposition to the closures from staff and parents at both St Bartholomew’s Primary School and Bright Start Nursery 


4)      That the proposed alternative of relocating Bright Start Nursery to St Bartholomew's Primary School may present a viable and cost-effective solution that would preserve both the school and nursery, causing less disruption to children, staff, and families 


This committee resolves to request officers explore: 


1)      An immediate pause to the plans, so a report can be brought to the next Children, Families, and Schools Committee, exploring   the feasibility of moving Bright Start Nursery to the site of St Bartholomew’s Primary School, keeping the existing number of nursery places and under 2s provision, and; 

2)      That such a report includes options for how the council can better liaise with staff and families at St Bartholomew’s and Bright Start when creating the report to ensure all options are explored, including the possibility of reducing St Bartholomew’s PAN for long-term financial stability, and the potential use of unallocated S106 funding to enable the move